sábado, 24 de septiembre de 2016

Mobility and Independence - Harvard Health

Mobility and Independence - Harvard Health

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Get your copy of Mobility and Independence

Product Page - Mobility and Independence
Mobility and Independence, a Special Health Report from Harvard Medical School, will help you maintain your mobility and safeguard your independence. It will give you recommendations for exercise, diet, preventive care, and lifestyle choices that will keep you stronger and steadier with fewer aches and more stamina. Plus, you’ll get advice for aging in place, adapting and fall-proofing your home, choosing services, and more.

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6 tips to help you keep a walking regimen on track

Regular walks are an incredibly popular way to exercise — and it's easy to see why. Walking is easy and free (except for a good pair of shoes), and can be done just about anywhere. But it's those very qualities that can also make it very tempting to skip. If your walking routine is in danger of lapsing, try one or more of these strategies to keep going.

Additional News from Harvard Health

Product Page - Mobility and Independence

Mobility and Independence

Featured content:

Mobility and quality of life
Prime movers: Knees and hips
A good foundation: Feet and ankles
A stable support: Your back and posture
Masterful muscles
• ... and more!

Click here to read more »

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